Developing with Git

Git is a nice tool to keep track of how a software is developed. Even text files. Git can help you with those. Here are some basic commands you can use with git.

• git init creates a new Git repository

• git status inspects the contents of the working directory and staging area

• git add adds files from the working directory to the staging area

• git diff shows the difference between the working directory and the staging area

• git commit permanently stores file changes from the staging area in the repository

• git log shows a list of all previous commits

Git workflow


• git checkout HEAD filename: Discards changes in the working directory.

• git reset HEAD filename: Unstages file changes in the staging area.

• git reset commit_SHA: Resets to a previous commit in your commit history. 


• git branch: Lists all a Git project's branches.

• git branch branch_name: Creates a new branch.

• git checkout branch_name: Used to switch from one branch to another.

• git merge branch_name: Used to join file changes from one branch to another. 

• git branch -d branch_name: Deletes the branch specified.


• remote is a Git repository that lives outside your Git project folder. Remotes can live on the web, on a shared network or even in a separate folder on your local computer. 

• The Git Collaborative Workflow are steps that enable smooth project development when multiple collaborators are working on the same Git project. 

Other commands:

• git clone: Creates a local copy of a remote.

• git remote -v: Lists a Git project's remotes. 

• git fetch: Fetches work from the remote into the local copy.

• git merge origin/master: Merges origin/master into your local branch.

• git push origin <branch_name>: Pushes a local branch to the origin remote.

Any other commands you know? Comment below!


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