
Showing posts from March, 2018

Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact review

I'm a fan of Sony for their phones - devices in general - for being entertainment-centric. This feature can be seen especially in their Compact series. I like how a lot of technology is crammed in a small device. The Xperia XZ2 Compact is the XZ2's smaller sibling. All of the features found on the XZ2 can be found on the Compact save for the smaller screen and wireless charging. You may found GSMArena's review by following this link or watch the review below.

Free stock photos!

The best things in life comes for free If you're a designer or a marketer, or just someone who's just looking for some stock photos Pixabay   may make your day. Their photos are totally free ; no attribution license, just download what you want. The photos can be used commercially and redistributed.

How is Donald Trump doing?

This video is just hilarious. Apparently, kids were asked about their opinions on Donald Trump. Watch the video to find out.

Help me get treated. Please

I have spinocerebellar ataxia and treatment in our country is very slim. We're planning on going to London to get medication for my case. Please help me get treated. What is spinocerebellar ataxia? it is a rare condition in the cerebellum affecting muscle coordination, balance and speech. Living with spinocerebellar ataxia Patience. Everything is in slow motion. I mean, I'm slow so everything seemed to be in slow motion. Aside from that, the cost. We're poor and covering for cost is excruciatingly stressful. There is also doubt of my recovery but honestly I can feel that there is. Doctors think it's caused by a genetic mutation or because of my environment. I can tell that it's because of the latter. See, everything is just so stressful right now. I mean,  everything.  From taking a bath to whatever. Every. Damn.Thing. So I have this  crazy idea to change my environment. But I can't do it without your help. Kindly support me. Please donate. I don't know what...

Nature awareness

In January of 2013, I posted this devastating photo and quoted: "Sometimes it is in the little things we do that create the biggest problems in our lives." I don't have any idea what blogging is back then but I can recall the feeling. I believe that we only have one Earth and we should take care of it as much as we could. It's just sad to think that people are taking it for granted, not seeming to think about the generations after them. It is a flood gate in Pandacan, Manila where it's supposed to open during storms and the Pasig River is overflowing. It then creates a river to take care of the flood. But how can it serve as a flood gate when it's clogged with trash? Change begins in us and I believe in order to avoid situations like this we should keep ourselves from littering. It may be small but these little things can go a long way and have a large impact in our environment. Nature copes I just love this photo I took on that same year. It shows how nature...

The guy behind Paracosm

My Google profile tells a little about me. I am passionate about web design and development yet I am running a fundraiser. It's a campaign for my treatment and stuff. I have spinocerebellar ataxia - a disease in which balance, muscle coordination as well as speech is affected. I also have vertigo and it's messing how I see things. It would be a crazy idea but I'm planning on migrating in London to seek treatment. Chances of treatment in our country is very slim.  Or if there is, it'll take a very long time. I made some rough calculations and migrating will take about 8 grand. I'm running a campaign over at GoGetFunding for my treatment. I'm also doing everything I can to migrate. That includes blogging and freelancing ( I know some front end web development, specifically some JavaScript). If you know someone or if you can, please donate or share this post with them. Please and thank you. Fundraising with GoGetFunding

Learn about ISO, aperture and shutter speed

Let's talk about cameras. I personally believe that cameras capture life and wonderfully preserve the time. It can tell stories even if it doesn't have words. Here's what you need to know about cameras and hopefully help you capture great photos. The exposure triangle Aperture How wide the shutter will be open to let in light.  Aperture is denoted by f-stops, that is, the letter "f"-slash- a number. The lower the number, the wider the aperture. The aperture of a camera affects the exposure of a photo. The wider the aperture, the brighter the image. It is advisable to use wider apertures in low-light conditions. However, wide apertures make an image blurry as more light enters the sensor. The subject has to be still as possible. Another area affected by aperture is depth of field.  a  large  aperture results in a  large  amount of background blur Likewise a small aperture results in a  small  amount of background blur ISO ISO (or ASA) was the ind...

Developing with Git

Git is a nice tool to keep track of how a software is developed. Even text files. Git can help you with those. Here are some basic commands you can use with git. • git init creates a new Git repository • git status inspects the contents of the working directory and staging area • git add adds files from the working directory to the staging area • git diff shows the difference between the working directory and the staging area • git commit permanently stores file changes from the staging area in the repository • git log shows a list of all previous commits Git workflow Backtracking • git checkout HEAD filename: Discards changes in the working directory. • git reset HEAD filename: Unstages file changes in the staging area. • git reset commit_SHA: Resets to a previous commit in your commit history.  Branching • git branch: Lists all a Git project's branches. • git branch branch_name: Creates a new branch. • git checkout branch_name: Used to switch from one branch to another. • git mer...