
Showing posts from 2017

Step into the VR game with A-Frame

Want to develop virtual reality experiences? This framework might be your cup of coffee.

Tech.Doodler is now Paracosm

Tech.Doodler was a blog focused mainly on technology specifically Nokia-related stuff. Now, Tech.Doodler has grown and so is its focus adding web development, web design, music, photography and other interesting stuff related to the web. And since this is like, a revival of Tech.Doodler, a new name may be a good way to mark the restart. What is Paracosm? From “The Imagination Series” by Richard Johnson It is a Greek word meaning   A detailed imaginary world created inside one’s mind. This fantasy world may involve humans, animals, and things that exist in reality; or it may also contain entities that are entirely imaginary, alien, and otherworldly. ( Wikipedia )